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Dog Skin Care Tips For Spring

March 30, 2020

Spring sunshine is here and you will want to enjoy time outside with your dog. Just as you protect your skin from nature and sun exposure, you should do the same for your pup. We want to share a few skincare tips to help your dog stay happy and healthy in the sun.

·Dogs can suffer from sunburns especially if they have thin coats, light-colored noses, or white fur. You can protect your dog from sunburned skin by keeping them out of the sun during the hottest part of the day typically from 12-3PM.

·Apply pet sunscreen or human baby sunscreen if you have to be outside during the hottest part of the day. Read the ingredients and never buy sunscreen with zinc oxide as an ingredient as it can be toxic to dogs.

·If your dog happens to get sunburned, you can soothe it with cool water, and by applying aloe vera gel. We also suggest consulting with your vet to determine if additional treatment options should be used.

·Hot weather invites all species to come out and play. Fleas, ticks and insects are more likely to bite your dog during the spring and summer months. Keep your dogs up to date on all vaccines and flea and tick medications.

·If you notice that your dog is scratching excessively examine his skin and look for fleas and flea dirt. Flea dirt is dried blood that looks like coffee grounds. Don’t panic if your dog has fleas, contact your vet to find out the best flea medicine to use this season. Fleas can become resistant to certain brands of medicine which is why its best to consult with your vet.

·If you plan to spend time outdoor, make a habit of checking your dog’s skin regularly and look for bug bites and bumps. If your dog’s skin is irritated and red, limit sun exposure and outdoor time until the irritation subside. If the irritation gets worse after a few days you’ll want to visit your vet. 

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